The global trend towards increased urbanisation requires municipal bodies to provide services such as streetlights, solid waste management, sewage treatment & disposal, etc. All these activities consume significant amount of electricity, usually in an inefficient manner. The cost of energy sometimes constitutes more than 50% of the municipality’s budget and implementing efficiency measures could reduce it by at least 25%. There is a potential to save around 10 billion rupees by implementing energy efficiency measures. Almost all municipal bodies depend on government support to meet their development and operating expenses. Government of India, through the Bureau of Energy Efficiency has initiated a programme to cover 175 municipalities in the country by conducting investment grade energy audits and preparation of detailed project reports. Energy Service Companies are being encouraged to take up the implementation of the programme with the help of financial institutions. Utility must encourage implementation of DSM measures to relieve their network of such inefficient load.
Energy saving opportunities for Municipal Corporation: The major energy loads in a municipality are typically the water pumping systems, street lighting, sewage treatment and Municipal buildings such as offices, hospitals, schools also contribute to the high municipal energy bills. Therefore, the following sectors have high potential of energy savings in Municipal Corporation.
Street Lighting
Replacement of inefficient HPSV and Metal Halide Lamp with energy efficient Lighting fixtures like LED, T5 & Induction lamp. Effective energy-efficient lighting design integrates efficient lamp technologies, optimum pole height and placement, efficient light distribution and aesthetics while using the least energy and meeting requirements for visibility and appropriate light levels (NYSERDA, 2002) The most common reason for inefficient street lighting system in municipalities & others are:
- Selection of inefficient Luminaries
- Poor design and installation
- Poor power quality
- Poor operation & maintenance practices
There is a tremendous potential to improve lighting quality while reducing energy use, costs, and GHG emissions-through energy-efficient retrofits for street lighting and improved operation and maintenance (O&M) practices.
Technologies Prevailing
Effective energy-efficient lighting design integrates efficient lamp technologies, optimum pole height and placement, efficient light distribution and aesthetics while using the least energy and meeting requirements for visibility and appropriate light levels ( NYSERDA, 2002)
S. No. | Type of Lamp | Luminous Efficacy (Lm/W) | Colour rendering properties | Lamp life in hours | Remarks |
1 | Metal Halide (MH) | 70 - 130 Lm/W | Excellent | 8,000 - 12,000 | High luminous efficacy, poor Lamp Life |
2 | High Pressure Sodium Vapour (HPSV) | 50 - 150 Lm/W | Fair | 15,000 - 24,000 | Energy inefficient, Poor colour rendering |
3 | Low Pressure Sodium vapour | 100 - 190 Lm/W | Very Poor | 18,000 - 24,000 | Energy efficient, very poor colour rendering index |
4 | Fluorescent Tube Light (T12&T8) | 100 - 120 Lm/W | Good | 5,000 - 10,000 | Poor lamp life, medium energy use, only available in low wattage |
5 | Energy efficient Fluorescent Tube (T5) | 100 - 120 Lm/W | Very Good | 15,000 - 20,000 | Energy efficient, long lamp life, only available in low wattage |
6 | Light Emitting Diode (LED) | 70 - 160 Lm/W | Good | 40,000 - 90, 000 | High energy savings, low maintenance, long life, no mercury, high investment cost, nascent technology |
- Water Treatment / Pumping - To replace old inefficient Pumps with energy efficient pumps with highest star (5 Star) rating by BEE to save Energy.
- Municipal Buildings like Schools, Hospitals & Offices - To replace inefficient bulbs and FTL with energy efficient lights and Electrical appliances such as Refrigerator, fans & Air Conditions should be replaced with 5 Star rated appliances to save Energy.
- Sewage Treatment / Pumping - Pumping should be optimum size and capacity with highest rated as per BEE for Energy save